Earthen Firewall ~ 14 April 2013

Lately the fire energy of the transits has been scorching. Not only have the Sun, Venus and Mars been racing across the sky in Aries, so have Uranus and Eris. Soon Mercury enters Aries and achieves a verbal kindling point. Should you consider centaurs and named bodies in the Kuiper Belt, there are five bodies in Sagittarius piling logs onto the fire.

That’s all fixing to change. Tomorrow Venus enters Taurus, a sign she rules. That’s yummy. On the 19th the Sun enters Taurus, slowing the pace of flickering attention into a steady burn. Mars hits Taurus the very next day, realizing that there’s no fast fix. Effort recently initiated requires additional attention and nurturing if those efforts are expected to “grow corn.” On the first of May, Mercury steps into Taurus (Note: All dates noted by GMT). Plans must solidify and stand up against the scrutiny of time. Long term thinking enhances all recent startup efforts.

For those who fancy the fast and furious pace of the impulse nature of fire, these transits could feel like a tsunami of dirt. Perhaps an earthen firewall would be a more polite term. Ever notice that after an airplane takes off its engines throttle back from the unrelenting blast of full throttle to an easier pace once air is under the wings? It’s the same with developing sea legs, or finding solid ground in one’s life position, more to the point of the Earth-sign transits ahead. Around the bend is a break from the heat and its intensity. At the same time the essence of bear down, dig in and gain ground takes over.

As the personal planets inch through early Taurus, they aspect a series of amazing pulsars that permit a person to work faster than imaginable if operating in the “zone,” following creative attention... or adhering to the Tao. Aiding this effort is the Solar Apex - a point in early Capricorn that recreates perspective by establishing and maintaining a sense of humor as it keeps a finger on the pulse of life’s irony.

After these initial steps in Taurus, a lovely pattern to Pluto kicks in to high gear. This is good... very good. Keep in mind that ever-greedy, hoarding Pluto took a liking to humans who operated in life with unlimited passion and blazing intention in pursuit of what would will fill the sails of fulfillment. Actually, Pluto is quite generous to such folks. It provides him justification for ignoring complainers, the lazy, and the uninspired.

For those applying effort during the arc to Pluto, things likely feel easier and more fluid. Kind of like moving through liquid earth.

As the movements to Pluto are taking place by the personal planets, so are they moving into an opposition with Saturn. Here’s another planet who loves hard-working souls, those committed to their cause, and gratefully doing the rolled up sleeves kind of work. Saturn thinks sweat waters the plants... maybe the planets, too. Thus, these Taurus transits do not need to be seen as adversarial to Saturn’s position in Scorpio. It’s more of balancing effort on the other side of the fulcrum.

Saturn observes that more than a quarter of the year has passed. He notes there’s been scurrying here and there, as people seek the perfect starting point for what’s next. As these transits come to pass in the next days, Saturn blows his whistle... the whistle that causes all action to stop. He summons full, conscious attention. Then, he insists that everyone recognize that they are where they are. Anchor and hunker down, right here, right now. This is your position point. Work from here to there, gleefully acknowledging every step of the way... and acknowledging those steps as accreting. Use the “look how far we’ve come” mind set versus “we’ve still got quite a long way to go” lament. And while noticing the current progress point, no laurel resting is allowed.

Before you know it the pudding thickens, the concrete hardens, the plan coalesces and the contentment of growing accomplishment wraps around the psyche like a warm, woolen coat on a chilly day.

This is one of those times when going good grants good results. Both Pluto and Saturn point out, there’s nothing like an earthen firewall to prevent energy and effort from faltering.